What we did on our holidays

Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to take a week off work. Paid work, that is. This week, a loyal gang of Moseley volunteers booked a week’s holiday and reported for duty. The task at hand was to fill our brand new shed at Apedale with the remaining part of our collection that has been in exile at Buxworth in Derbyshire. For the past few years, whilst our fleet has been in store, any shunting has had to be carried out with a fork lift truck. Now, for the last time, each locomotive was lifted to the door using a specially-made steel pallet and loaded onto a lorry for the 90 minute journey to Apedale. There were a lot of turned heads as our unusual loads headed across the hills towards their new home.

The result now is a fully populated shed, relief and a lot of smiling faces amongst our membership. We even managed to feature our new attraction in the local newspaper, the Newcastle Sentinel.

By the end of Wednesday, the major part of the mission had been accomplished and the rest of the week was used to gather up tools, wagons and other smaller items. As people departed at the end of their working holiday they left exhausted but satisfied that all had gone according to plan. So, the stage is now set for our open days at Apedale on 13-14 September when the public will be invited to view the entire collection in one place for the first time in many years. Don’t forget to book the date in your diary. Contact us for further details.