This Ruston was one of eleven locomotives supplied to the River Severn Catchment Board for riverbank repair work. The railway equipment was stored at a plant yard just outside Malvern and although they were replaced by more modern dumper trucks, there were some tasks that these could not undertake. RH193974 was sold to ME Engineering in 1974 and from there went to Ireland to work at Erin Peat Products in West Meath. It returned to England in 1994 in a very poor condition. Since then it has been rebuilt using the wheels and gearbox of RH218016 (a 20DL), a 2VTO Ruston engine from a factory’s standby generator, and a radiator from another unidentified Ruston. With such mixed parentage, it has an unusual appearance due to the parts, although all made by Rustons, are not all designed to fit on the same locomotive. Th restoration took 14 years! The loco arrived at Apedale on 6/9/12